Are My kids on track?
January 28th - February 25th
How is Your Child Doing Socially, Emotionally, and Spiritually? We have many tools for tracking our children's physical and intellectual development, but what about their hearts and souls? In this 5-week course you will learn the answers to such questions as: At what age should children be able to manage their emotions? When will they learn to empathize? How do they make their faith their own?
All In
January 28th - February 18th
The Gospel costs nothing. You can’t earn it or buy it. It can only be received as a free gift compliments of God’s grace. It doesn’t cost anything, but it demands everything. It demands that we go “all in,” a term that simply means placing all that you have into God’s hands. Pushing it all in. And that’s where we get stuck―spiritual no man’s land. We’re afraid that if we go all in that we might miss out on what this life has to offer. It’s not true. The only thing you’ll miss out on is everything God has to offer. And the good news is this: if you don’t hold out on God, God won’t hold out on you. In this 4-week course you will be challenged to go All In for God.
January 28th - March 4th
Have you ever had trouble understanding the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? In Irresistible, Pastor Andy Stanley recollects what made the early Jesus Movement so compelling, resilient, and irresistible by answering some of life’s questions, such as: What makes Christianity so resistible in today's culture? What needs to change in order to repeat the growth our faith had at its beginning? In this 6-week course, you will be able to answer some questions you may already be asking and grow in your knowledge of your faith.
Don’t Look Back
January 28th - February 25th
There are times in life when we look back and feel desperate to make time stand still, especially when unexpected change happens and all we want is for things to go back to how they were. But we can't stop the flow of life, and we can't stop time. And looking back doesn't enable us to go back. It just makes us stuck. In a place. In a space. In a memory. In a mindset. In a habit. Stop looking back and start looking to Jesus. Look forward to the future and keep moving toward it in faith--especially when your world is nothing like it once was. In this 5-week course, you will be encouraged to move on from where you are into all God's plans, purposes, and promises for your life.