Heart for the House is our annual miracle offering, over and above our regular giving. Our sacrificial giving blesses our local and global outreaches and resources our church, moving us forward into a new season of growth and development and playing our part in God’s plan for our city and the world.
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”
Ephesians 3:20
Click below to give to Heart for the House, and select “Heart for the House” from the “Fund” drop down menu. Or fill out a digital Commitment Card to make a giving pledge.
‘Whatever building you possess, you will fill it!’
That prophetic promise spoken to us many years ago has marvelously been fulfilled before our very eyes. As we are exceeding maximum capacity, we need to make room for our growing church family.
Our building is key in creating a place to call home and equipping the church to serve its local community. A portion of this year’s Heart for the House offering will be designated for some much-needed renovations, debt reduction on our $4.1 million mortgage, and to prepare for our second location.
“Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep. You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family.” Isaiah 54:2-3
Our City
Across Calgary, financial pressures continue to negatively impact families, with an estimated 115,000 people living in low-income situations. City Serve exists to be an active partner for individuals and communities to assist in tangible support that will aid in their journey to better their current situation. Last year, we were able to donate $5,465,460 worth of goods to hurting families not only in our city but also from the Okanagan and into Saskatchewan. What once began in our gymnasium today requires warehouse space, staff, and vehicles.
Your generous Heart for the House offering fuels this outreach in helping meet practical needs of those hurting for necessities.
“What I’m interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families. Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.” Isaiah 58:7-8
Mission 3:16’s mission is focused and dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ – “Go into all the world, proclaim the gospel, and make disciples”. In 2023, we conducted two campaigns, one in Madagascar and one in Indonesia, and saw thousands find salvation in Christ and hundreds be healed of physical illness and disease. Tens of thousands responded to the message of Jesus Christ and over 1,400 pastors attended our Gospel Revolution seminar.
This year, we are returning to Indonesia for two more Friendship Festivals where we look to see thousands be introduced to the Gospel and witness signs and miracles follow, by the power of Jesus Christ. Your giving will help people in Indonesia encounter Jesus in a tangible way and empower the local churches reach their city.
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” Romans 10:14-15
Let’s partner together with God to imagine more of what is possible for the city of Calgary and the world. Click below to partner with us in giving financially to this mission. Click the button and select Heart for the House from the “select fund” drop down menu.
Thank you for being a part of what God is doing through CLC in 2024.
Click below to give to Heart for the House, and select “Heart for the House” from the “Fund” drop down menu. Or fill out a digital Commitment Card to make a giving pledge.